
Thursday, December 17, 2009


Sure, nothing flashy, but I wanted to have a Star Wars room, not hallway, so I'm keeping things simple. Only 1 minor decoration on each door.


The North Wall
When you walk in and look to the left, you will see the north wall. I hope you will note the fine craftsmanship of the shelves using the cheapest boards & brackets money can purchase at The Home Depot (my room is not affiliated with The Home Depot or any of its subsidiaries. I , unfortunately or fortunately--depending on how you look @ it, do not make any moneys off The Home Depot brand or its products. The Home Depot is a registered trademark and that's just a damn shame.)
The bottom shelf is reserved for SW novels; other areas in the room holds the roleplaying, gamer, encyclopedia and misc books (like the floor on the left). All the way on the bottom right shelf, that black thing, that's my Darth Vader lamp! The lamp consists of a head made up of tiny plastic hole-less beads and the whole thing sits on a spring! It's so cool!! But I digress, let's move on to my fav spots on the north wall.

Here are the A-Wings that live on a mini-shelf on the north wall. You will have noticed the A-Wing background on this blog (if your monitor is big enough). Why A-Wings? Because A-Wings are just so freakin' bad-@$$!


Here is a little section for everyone's favorite Wookie, Chewbacca! It's not that I'm a big or even medium-sized Chewie fan, but over the years one just ends up with SW things that one doesn't necessarily go searching for. Bobble Head = gift. Big PEZ dispenser = huge & cool! Little PEZ dispenser = small & cute. Mint tin = felt like I could use a mint @ the time. Bendy figure = funny & bendy!





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